Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Lot of Changes

Well since I last blogged in May a lot of changes have taken place and there is more to come. I will start with the good. Hannah is able to walk around objects while holding on such as the couch and coffee table. She will now take steps forward if you stand behind her and hold her hands. Her fine motor skills are developing a little more. She actually can point now. She wont point at people or things she wants but she will point to pictures in a book. Mainly picutres of babies. She loves babies both real and dolls. She will give a baby doll a hug. I find this really cute. :) She can now raise her arms to us to be picked up. She still doesn't wave but she will raise her arm up in the air and hold her hand open. There just isn't any open and shut of her hand. This all ties in with fine motor skills. Verbally she does babble more but still doesn't say any words. Now for the other news. She pretty much came to a halt on her growth. She did get a little taller but she only gained 1/2 pound in 2 months. This lead to a NG tube which is a feeding tube through her nose. She gained a pound right after it was placed but none since. She will be having surgery Aug 24th to have a Mic-key button placed. This is a tube that will surgically be placed in her abdomen and into her stomach and she will receive nutrients through it. She can still eat if she desires to but that is the problem. She doesn't want to. Seizure wise her seizures have changed once again. Or I should probably say a different kind has been added to the other 4 types she was already having. Now she has seizures where she just quits moving, stares off in space, and quits breathing. She turns very blue from lack of oxygen and I have to give mouth to mouth. This is the worst seizure kind ever. I never know when it is going to hit. There is no warning. She has also become very heat sensitive. If she gets overheated she will have seizures. Just going from Walmart, walking to the car, putting her in her seat, and driving 10 min home she began to have seizures. Her medications have been increased once again. She takes 3 seizure medications twice a day. This past week she has started having massive amounts of seizures when she wakes up in the mornings, when she wakes up from nap, and even sometimes in the eve right before bedtime. Despite it all she is still a very happy baby girl. She tries not to let things slow her down. She will almost always have a smile for just about anyone.


  1. Hey there, Sweetie. Goodness, It is just tearing me up that little lambiekins has ANOTHER seizure type to add to the bunch... thanks for the update. I will def. be praying, as always.....

    We love you all so much, and Hannah is a precious angel.

  2. OH! We will be praying! Thank you for the update. It lets me know how she is doing. I appreciate it so much!

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